EMSKEGEL PRO UI chair is a non-invasive and painless device for the treatment of pelvic floor muscle weakness that reverses urinary incontinence and vaginal muscle laxity, utilizing a High Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Pulse to stimulate deep pelvic floor muscles and restore neuromuscular stimulation!
A single EMSKEGEL PRO UI chair session stimulates more than 12,000 supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions in 30-minutes compared to common Kegel exercises, without all the work while your patient reads a magazine!
An estimated 20-million women in the US suffer from UI. This is an embarrassing condition that is easily fixable (not with diapers) but with Pulsed Electromagnetic Stimulation.
You see the ads all the time of diapers for women, this is just an embarrassing band-aide to the problem, the Emskegel Pro UI chair is the cure!
Unlike other Electromagnetic Stimulation UI chairs, our emsKegel Pro UI chair has all the Pulse Power built right into the chair. It doesn’t have a large separate power station to take up valuable office space. It is very compact and mobile.